Sexy Legs and Laptop

First Date Rejection Advice

Most of the time you can tell whether or not your date is feeling the same thing, whether it’s chemistry or that

Couple on Date

TS Online Dating Mistakes

Most people today, especially the younger generation, are using online dating sites to meet potential partners, whether for hookups or long-term relationships.

Couple Cuddling in Bed

Tips for Dating a TS Introvert

There’s a lot about introvert personalities lately on social media. And that’s great, but it also means there are a lot of

Transgender woman and man on Date at Bar

Flirting Tips for Trans Dating

Hello trans admirers. Have you been successful in meeting a t-girl or are you still searching for that special someone on a

Sexy Woman Texting

9 Sexting Tips for TS Dating

Sexting  is a great way to connect when you and your trans woman aren’t together physically. I have to say, the first

Naked Woman Reading

Transgender Books

Transgender books are a field on the verge of exploding exponentially, but there are classics, too. Trans lit covers stories about being

Flirting Couple

TS Friend-with-Benefits Tips

A friendship with benefits can be a beautiful thing, but it doesn’t just happen. Okay, maybe it does sometimes, but for it