Gifts for Trans Women

I’m a pretty lucky guy, I gotta say. I’m blessed enough to be a sex worker, musician, and journalist. I’ve also done nude photos with all types of folks, from straight to gay to trans, and done porn with women and trans folks. I’ve been an escort for a few years, and I’m really happy with the community of sex-positive people I work with and for.

Recently, something came up that was new for me. I have an occasional intimate partner in my life who I recently had my first threesome with (foursome actually, but the fourth left the hot tub… long story).

The threesome was with a cisgendered woman who was a slave to the trans dom who I was intimate with at times before. Life is really cool and awesome when people let it be, please believe it!

Anyways, I was recently invited to an event with all of the above guests of greatness in my life, and it was a birthday party for the trans woman. I showed up with a card containing some saucy contents, and I also bought a gift—a butt plug, perfect for anyone… who is into anal play. But then I wondered: are there trans gifts and toys, like personal items that specifically would only be of interest to trans people?

I assume there is a growing number of books, movies, and informational paraphernalia about trans culture, and those are the perfect gifts for people who want to learn and know. But what if one wants to get something that’s not a sex toy and not a book on transgender existence?

This thought just made me open my mind a bit wider to the reality of the struggles of transgender folks. Do companies market products to them the same way they do to us? Do businesses respect trans people’s needs and desires the way they do cisgender folks?

Do trans folks enjoy as much of the same stuff as cis folks, or do they want to establish more of their own social identifiers in everything they do? It doesn’t start and end in the bathroom!

I just want to know more nuance and detail about trans existence… because if there IS some secret capitalist market for trans folks, I’d like to contribute money to it! Everyone accepts money, right? I think so, ha ha.

The birthday party was EPIC, by the way. She used the BIGGEST PADDLE EVER on her slave’s ass, and that was a birthday present for me to bear witness to. I owe her so much for what she has given me! Happy birthday, my dear trans friend.

Life is grand,
Addi Stewart

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