Supporting Trans Women through Transition

If there is a book that details the percentage of people in societies and centuries past that were transgender or non-binary, I haven’t seen it and want to read that damn book!

The reality is, in my lifetime, the amount of public articulation and identified social acceptance of the identity of transhumanity is rare and miniscule, as compared to heteronormativity’s prevalence and imbalanced representation of genuine human sexual diversity.

And not everyone is out and exposing their trans nature, because it’s such a transformative decision for a human being. I can’t really think of many things or anything more brave than taking that step towards self-actualization.

When we know people who have done a transition in any way, it’s vitally important to support them for as long as possible, until they feel like they have their wings back and their feet under their ass. There is no timeline as for how long or short this period of change will take, and it obviously doesn’t ever really have to “end.” The initial period of transformation is really delicate, and the more or stronger the sustenance for the person, the better.

I had a friend just undergo their bottom surgery, successfully, blessings be praised. This person has had one of the most difficult experiences I have ever been aware of, and to see them continue on strong has been uplifting to me beyond description. It’s been about three years now that the process has been unfolding, and they have had a few setbacks and breakdowns.

The educational factor of this friendship is on ten. And we’ve been pretty much everything: ambivalent acquaintances, almost enemies at one point, business associates, co-workers, conversationalists, connected friends, and recently intimate individuals sharing long kisses and deep hugs.

I am honored to continue expanding the potential of what our relationship can be, and I keep learning new things about life and sex and humanity from this person. Their vagina is almost completely healed from their surgery, and they showed it to me in triumphant pride, which all of us in our community supported enthusiastically and joyfully.

The emotional and intellectual transition is another journey, and that can’t be measured by the healing of a cut. It’s measured by consistent pleasant presence, through the highs and lows, and everything in between.

Addi Stewart

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